Wednesday 5 March 2014

Away too long......

Well, I have to say I've neglected this blog for rather too long now - well over a year too long now. Life, tends to get in the way. Its very easy to do everything else (including the hoovering) rather than try and sit down and write a blog post.

So, as from today I'm going to (try) and write a post at least once a week. And if no-one but me reads it, well it doesn't matter. I want to have an online diary I can look back at, even if it is just for my own personal amusement (or shame).

This week, I've been trying out a new iPhone camera app to see if I could take better pictures with my camera phone. Instagram although lovely, just does not photograph my work particularly well. I needed more gizmos to make up for my poor photographic skills.

So, I have downloaded the TaDaa SLR app and below is my first try. Oh and the headdress is pretty damn lovely too (well I think so).

I think I need to practise a bit more as its definitely not perfect!

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