Friday, 14 March 2014

Sew, that was the week..........

Happy Friday,

So, my aim is to try and write in my blog once a week and do a sort of round up of what I've been up to. 

Well, this week it was exciting and boring all at the same time. Exciting because at last, I've loaded my brand new designs onto my Not On The High Street storefront. I've also re-opened my Folksy shop.

I initially opened my Folksy shop about two years ago but after joining Etsy and Not On The High Street, I somewhat neglected it. I still follow Folksy and there are some fabulous new designer/makers joining all the time and so I didn't want to miss out! So time to re-vamp it and add my new pieces.

The boring bit was having to do all the admin work of adding the new product listings on both sites. It can be quite a long laborious task, especially if you have quite a few to get on there.

However, it is all done now. And The Husband and I went out for a lovely dinner last night to celebrate meeting 10 years ago to the day! Time flies and all that.......

Here are the new pieces, photographed by the fabulous Blue Cloud Photography

If theres anyone out there listening, let me know what you think!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Away too long......

Well, I have to say I've neglected this blog for rather too long now - well over a year too long now. Life, tends to get in the way. Its very easy to do everything else (including the hoovering) rather than try and sit down and write a blog post.

So, as from today I'm going to (try) and write a post at least once a week. And if no-one but me reads it, well it doesn't matter. I want to have an online diary I can look back at, even if it is just for my own personal amusement (or shame).

This week, I've been trying out a new iPhone camera app to see if I could take better pictures with my camera phone. Instagram although lovely, just does not photograph my work particularly well. I needed more gizmos to make up for my poor photographic skills.

So, I have downloaded the TaDaa SLR app and below is my first try. Oh and the headdress is pretty damn lovely too (well I think so).

I think I need to practise a bit more as its definitely not perfect!