Wednesday 5 September 2012

A Vintage Summer Wedding Shoot

Hello friends,

Today I wanted to tell you about a lovely and talented lady that I met earlier this year. I first met Beki Young from Beki Young Photography at a vintage wedding fayre although I had seen her work before.  Beki learned her trade for years working with another local photographer.  She then decided to go on her own and has built up a well respected and successful photography business.  

The images that she shoots are so beautiful - the colours always look so jewel like and the images have a dreaminess to them.  If I were getting married again I would definitely be booking Beki to shoot it.

Beki recently shot a styled shoot at Boundary Oak School which will be becoming a new wedding venue in the south very soon.  The theme was a summer vintage wedding - think tea at the cricket pavilion on a beautiful summers afternoon............

Below are some of the gorgeous images from the shoot. (You may even spot one of my headdresses in there somewhere.......)

Thank you to Beki for letting me share these images which I think you will agree are just beautiful.

Hair & Makeup:

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