Hope you are having a great day. Just to let you know that Glass Oyster designs are now available to purchase on Etsy.com. For those of you not familiar with Etsy, it is a great website which features designer/makers of all things handmade and vintage. You can purchase anything from jewellery, shoes gorgeous clothing, food, ceramics, stationary - the list is endless. Each designer/maker has his or her own online shop within the Etsy community. Glass Oyster is located at: http://www.etsy.com/search/shops?q=glass+oyster+bridal&order=most_relevant&view_type=&locationFull=&removeLocation=1&locationQuery=
Pop by and have a look. You can pick up some great items there and if you are a crafty person, it is also great for supplies too.
To celebrate Glass Oyster joining the Etsy community, I'm offering a 10% discount to all customers who purchase a headdress through Etsy up to the 11th February 2012. Please quote code: opening110112 when you checkout. Happy Shopping!
Karla - Available on Etsy.com |